
The products under promotion are milk products and in specific organic milk (Romania) and Halloumi cheese (Cyprus). The “EU Dairies” action provision a set of activities that all partners are familiarized with. They are grouped in the following sets:

  • Website and social media
  • Advertising
  • Communication tools
  • Events
  • Promotion at Points of Sales

The action aims to address the growing erosion of society’s engagement with the food that it consumes especially under a whole new environment created by the Covid-19 pandemic. It will try to engage, educate and empower consumers in Romania, Greece and Cyprus in order to foster their confidence on EU organic milk and the Halloumi cheese, a product in the last stage of its registration as PDO product. It will do that during a period that estimation on the growth of milk products sales are not optimistic; the three markets, hit by the lockdowns of the hotels and restaurants, the dramatic fall in tourism incomings and the drop of consumption, the economic recession and the overall negative climate, will have a negative outlook on the short term.


Based on the above action set three (3) objectives to achieve:

O1: increase public awareness and recognition of organic logo in Romania

O2:  increase competitiviness and consumption of halloumi and organic milk in the three markets.

O3: Restore normal market conditions for Halloumi in Cyprus and Greece

Objectives are in total correlation with the general objective set in Reg (EU) 1144/2014 article 2(c) as well as with specific objectives (b), (c) and (e). The objective is SMART as it has identified the SPECIFIC challenges in the three markets for each objective;

  • (O1) Awareness on organic logo is low in Romania. Recognition of organic logo is low therefore undertaking actions targeting the general public and engaging the trade and multipliers the deficit wil be encountered.
  • (O2) Both products are considered as niche and although the consumption is on the rise, still compared to other products they lack competitiveness. Increasing penetration and deepening relations with the trade and multipliers along with intense publicity will lead to stimulation on demand for the products.
  • (O3) Market for Halloumi will worse further as the main sales channel (HR) has been hit hard by the pandemic. Promoting halloumi to this channel along with the extended publicity through social media and TV will facilitate restorement of normal market conditions.

The “EU Dairies” project is a multi-program under the under
AGRI-MULTI-2020-CRISIS and financed by EU according to Regulation (EU) 1144/2014 and implementing Regulations (EU) 2015/1829 and 2015/1831.